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@charset "UTF-8"; @import url(,400,600,700,800); *, :after, :before { box-sizing: border-box; padding: 0; margin: 0; }
console.log("Event Fired") import zim from ""; import phy from ""; // see // and // and new Frame(FIT, 3000, 500, black, black, ready, ["maze.png", "gf_Fascinate+Inline"], ""); function ready() { // given F (Frame), S (Stage), W (width), H (height) // put code here // Message - TextureActive to show Title and Button // Parameters: // width, height, color, color2, angle, borderColor, borderWidth, corner, interactive, animated, backingOrbit, pattern, scalePattern const message = new TextureActive({color:black, width:400, height:90}); new Label("RING MAZE", 40, "Fascinate Inline", pink).pos(0,0,CENTER,TOP,message); const button = new Button({label:"PLAY", corner:6}).sca(.5).pos(0,0,CENTER,BOTTOM,message).tap(()=>{ button.removeFrom(); timeout(1, ()=>{ ball.dynamic = true }) }); STYLE = {once:true, italic:true, bold:true} const win = new Label("CONGRATULATIONS",20,null,yellow) .reg(CENTER) .pos(0,0,CENTER,BOTTOM,message) .cache() .sca(0); // ZIM Link const madeWith = new TextureActive(400,300,black).addTo(); TextureActive .makeBacking(madeWith.width, madeWith.height, "") .addTo(madeWith) .tap(()=>{zgo("", "_blank")}); // Cylinder wall const wall = new TextureActive({color:black, width:W, height:H, corner:0}); // we do not want the content to get in the way of the OrbitControls // so easiest to add to container and set noMouse() - we can still track mouse position in Ticker const holder = new Container(W,H).addTo(wall).noMouse(); // MAZE // we can load in ANY picture of a maze as long as the walls are different than the backing // we could even load two pictures... a hidden one to represent the walls and a visual more complex one // we then use physics to apply a force to the ball to follow the mouse // and we make physic walls dynamically around the ball's position // the walls are placed only on the non-background color // the walls are removed as the ball leaves the area and new ones are made // thanks // note: we made a vertical maze to start at the top and bottom // then rotated the image to start at the sides var maze = new Pic("maze.png").addTo(holder).cache(); // cache the image so we have a second canvas to use later // this allows us to get the color of the pixel under the ball // without getting the color of the ball ;-) new Label("START",25,null,white).pos(90,-20,LEFT,CENTER,holder); new Label("END",25,null,white).pos(60,-20,RIGHT,CENTER,holder); new Rectangle(W,H,new GradientColor([blue,green,orange,yellow])).addTo(holder).ble("darken"); // create a Physics instance to handle making the ball bounce off walls // we will make walls dynamically only in the area of the ball // that way we don't make thousands of walls that we don't need // use the default outer walls and set gravity to 0 var physics = new Physics(0); var ball = new Circle(8, purple).loc(130,262,holder).addPhysics(false, 2); // add an optional little finder new Circle(30,white.toAlpha(.3)).center(ball,0).wiggle("scale",1,.1,.2,.7,1.5); const end = new Rectangle(50,22,faint).pos(33,13,RIGHT,CENTER,holder) // create a Ticker to constantly apply a force to the ball // and make the walls near the ball // the factor is for the force // balance the speed with a tendency to go through walls if too fast const emitter = new Emitter({ startPaused:true, obj:new Circle(ball.radius*1.3,clear,purple,3), animation:{scale:{min:.5, max:1.5}}, force:{min:.5, max:1.5}, gravity:0 }).addTo(holder); var factor = .005; // force is incremental in time (make small) var max = .5; // limit the mouse distance (which limits force) Ticker.add(function() { // make the walls makeWalls(); // apply a force towards the mouse // do not use stage.mouseX and stage.mouseY // as they do not catch touch location // use any mouse event's mouseX and mouseY instead // we did that and stored the values in mouseX and mouseY var dX = constrain((F.mouseX-ball.x)*factor, -max, max); var dY = constrain((F.mouseY-ball.y)*factor, -max, max); ball.force(dX, dY); if (ball.hitTestBounds(end)) { emitter.loc(ball).spurt(20); ball.dynamic = false; ball.vis(false); ball.body.loc(150,262); win.animate({ wait:.8, time:1.2, props:{scale:1}, rewind:true, ease:"elasticOut" }) timeout(3.5, ()=>{ ball.dynamic = true; ball.vis(true); emitter.loc(ball).spurt(20); }); } }); // we want to find the color of the maze picture around where the ball is // we will put a wall at anywhere that is not the background color // so we access the context 2D of the cached picture var ctx = maze.cacheCanvas.getContext('2d'); var num = 20; // test a 10x10 grid around the ball var space = 1; // the spacing of the points on the grid var radius = 1; // the radius of a wall placed at a point var walls = []; // an array to keep track of the active walls function makeWalls() { // remove any walls from the last time loop(walls, function(wall) { physics.remove(wall); }); walls = []; // loop through our grid loop(num, i=> { loop(num, j=> { // locate the x and y point on the grid for this i,j index var x = ball.x - num / 2 * space + i*space; var y = ball.y - num / 2 * space + j*space; // get the color data of the pixel at this grid location var data = ctx.getImageData(x, y, 1, 1).data; // Physics lets you automatically map physics bodies to ZIM objects // but in this case, we do not need visual objects // and we are creating many objects - so do not make the ZIM objects // Physics has methods to add only physics objects // so this is what we do in this case // make the wall if the color is darker than the background color if (data[0] < 150) { let wall = physics.makeCircle(radius, false); wall.x = x; wall.y = y; // add the wall to our array of walls walls.push(wall); } }); }); } // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // THREEJS const three = new Three({ width:window.innerWidth, height:window.innerHeight, cameraPosition:new THREE.Vector3(0,-.1,6.5), // this is VR settings textureActive:true }); const renderer = three.renderer; const scene = three.scene; const camera =; const canvas = three.canvas; const controls = new OrbitControls(camera, canvas); controls.rotateSpeed *= -.5; // seem to want to drag the maze - so reversed normal rotation controls.enableDamping = true; controls.dampingFactor = 0.1; three.preRender = ()=>{controls.update();} // TEXTUREACTIVES // more options - see // only have ONE TextureActives object but there may be more than one TextureActive objects // use an array for the first parameter here if there is more than one TextureActive object // use the layer parameter so VR controls do not get in the way // physics needs to be first so it stays at 0,0 in ZIM. const textureActives = new TextureActives([wall, message, madeWith], THREE, three, renderer, scene, camera, controls); // To remove T key which toggles between 2D and 3D uncomment this: // textureActives.manager.toggleKey = -1; // if the object is a plane then we can use the makePanel of the ZIM Three helper const canvasWindow = three.makePanel({ textureActive:message, textureActives:textureActives, scale:.03, curve:2 }); scene.add(canvasWindow); canvasWindow.position.y = 5 canvasWindow.position.z = -7 // if the object is not a plane then we use the CanvasTexture // and this gets passed the canvas property of the ZIM TextureActive // note - the box will get the interactive texture on all sides which is okay // but here, we make the texture only on the front of the box const cylinderGeometry = new THREE.CylinderGeometry(10, 10, 10, 50); const cylinderTexture = new THREE.CanvasTexture(wall.canvas); const cylinderMaterial = [ // backside of cylinder is flipped so flip back using ZIM three helper module method three.flipMaterial(THREE.MeshBasicMaterial, {map:cylinderTexture, side:THREE.BackSide}), new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({transparent:true, opacity:0}), new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({transparent:true, opacity:0}) ]; const cylinder = new THREE.Mesh(cylinderGeometry, cylinderMaterial); cylinder.rotation.y = 180*RAD; scene.add(cylinder); textureActives.addMesh(cylinder); const zimLink = three.makePanel({ textureActive:madeWith, textureActives:textureActives, scale:.015, curve:.5 }); scene.add(zimLink); zimLink.position.y = -5 zimLink.position.z = -9 // THROTTLE TEST // on some older mobiles updating the cache constantly can bog at 60 fps let fps; const fpsT = Ticker.add(()=>{fps = Ticker.getFPS();}); timeout(2, ()=>{if (fps < 50) {Ticker.setFPS(30);}; Ticker.remove(fpsT);}); } // Docs for items used: // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // //